Časopis Hrvatskog saveza građevinskih inženjera |
Jezik: en |
Prvi volumen: 1/1949 Trenutni volumen: 77/2025 |
UDK UDK 624+69(05) = 862 | CODEN: GDVIAE | ISSN 1333-9095 | Aktualni broj: 1/2025 |
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Redosljed članaka u tablici ne odgovara redosljedu objavljivanja u časopisu. Članic su sortirani prema ID-u.
1134-2014 | Permeability properties of lightweight self consolidating concrete using coconut shell as coarse aggregate |
1154-2014 | Depth Reduction Factor (rd) Assessment for Evaluation of Cyclic Stress Ratio Based on Site Response Analysis (Case Study of Babol) |
1187-2014 | Experimental Study of Static and Dynamic Pressures over Simple Flip Bucket |
1230-2015 | Measurement of Steel-Concrete Bond Strain Using Two-Dimensional Digital Image Technique |
1241-2015 | Vuppor as an Pore-forming Agent in the Manufacture of Therm Bricks |
1315-2015 |
Application of constant ductility approach to evaluate strength reduction and FEMA440 C1 factors |
1359-2015 |
Durability of self compacting concrete with bagasse ash and rice husk ash as cement replacement |
1545-2015 |
Scale-Specific Modeling of Reference Evapotranspiration Based on MEMD |
1554-2016 | The slip resistance of floorings: methods, requirements, and some case studies |
1568-2016 |
Assessment of liquefaction potential of soils using field tests-based methods: case study |
1573-2016 |
Near-Fault Ground Motion Pulse Effects on the Dynamic Behavior of Concrete Gravity Dam-Reservoir-Foundation Systems using Different Water Modelling Approaches |
1680-2016 |
Analiza i mjerenja buke na autocesti A2 (E-65) „Majka Teresa“ odjeljak: „Skopje - Tetovo“ |
1821-2016 | Seismic response of RCC dams considering reservoir effects; comparative investigation |
1871-2016 | The impacts of different percentages of lime powder in the modified clay soils performance and determine the lime optimum percentage in the increase of its engineering parameters |
1887-2016 | Rheology, workability and particle packing relationship of self-consolidating concrete containing mineral and chemical admixtures |
2027-2017 | The effect of crest shape on discharge coefficient in linear weirs |
2046-2017 | Comparison of GFRP and CFRP Confinement to Normal and High Strength Concrete |
2122-2017 | Seismic vulnerability of a strategic existing reinforced concrete building using non linear static and dynamic analyses |
2151-2017 | Influence of the soil properties on amplification of saturated inhomogeneous poroviscoelastic soil profile |
2244-2017 | Basic mechanical properties research of recycled concrete with different mixed recycled coarse aggregates |
2272-2017 | Elastic-plastic constitutive model for granular soil based on hyperbolic failure surface |
2311-2017 | Evaluating the Conventional Pushover Procedures for Estimating the Seismic Demand of Elliptic Braced Moment Resisting Frames |
2316-2018 | Prediction of flood discharges using artificial neural network approaches |
2334-2018 | Towards full automation: A study on the applicability of additive manufacturing methods on the construction-scale |
2368-2018 | Behaviour of CFRP Prestressed Box Beam Under Snapping Effects |
2381-2018 | Analysis of the Innovative Structural Design of Liyutuo Lounge Bridge in Dujiangyan |
2391-2018 | Bauxite Residue: A viable filler for asphalt mix |
2406-2018 | Experimental study on strength of geo polymer concrete with eco-friendly material |
2415-2018 | Metering Inaccuracies As A Source Of Water Losses |
2421-2018 | Mechanical properties of class C and F fly ash geopolymer mortars |
2424-2018 | Performance Based Simulation of Pervious Concrete Using Discrete Element Method |
2427-2018 | Making explicit the asphalt paving process: A fundamental step for quality improvement |
2459-2018 | Fazi višekriterijsko odlučivanje u planiranju i projektiranju željezničke infrastrukture |
2532-2018 | Asphalt permeability, pavement moisture content, air voids content, Computed Tomography (CT) |
2568-2018 | Investigation of Nano Ulexite Mineral Effects on Warm Mix Asphalt Pavements Mechanical Behavior |
2572-2018 | Roller-compacted concrete pavement versus normal vibrated concrete |
2575-2018 | Effect of Curing Methods and Scrap Tyre Addition on Properties of Mortars |
2626-2019 | Damage index for reinforced concrete columns |
2637-2019 | Development of Energy Efficient Sustainable Geopolymer Brick |
2644-2019 | Increasing the life expectancy of road pavements |
2660-2019 |
Analyses of Model Helical Piles Subjected to Axial Compression |
2661-2019 | Mechanical Behavior of PVC-CFRP Confined Concrete Column with Reinforced Concrete Beam Joint under Axial Compression |
2763-2019 | Nathodnici kao elementi novog prostornog identiteta gradova |
2774-2019 | Trendovi primjene BIM-a u hrvatskom graditeljstvu |
2776-2019 | Experimental Study on Steel Sections Having Different Connections under Impact Loading |
2797-2019 | Indirect Green Façade as an Overheating Prevention Measure |