
UDK: 627.13.001.2
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 60 (2008) 7
Paper type: Preliminary report
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Reliability analysis during watercourse quality numerical modelling

Dražen Vouk, Davor Malus, Damir Bekić


The applicability of reliability analysis in numerical modelling of the quality of watercourses is studied. The QUAL2E-UNCAS Model is used to analyze the water quality in the upper reaches of the Sava River, in the territory of Croatia. The Monte Carlo simulation is used to analyse reliability of input parameters in form of coefficients relating to the organic matter disintegration and oxygen content in water. The analysis results are presented through basic properties of the probability density function for relevant output parameters on selected sites.

QUAL2E Model, density function, water quality, the Sava River, reliability analysis, Monte Carlo simulation


Vouk, D., Malus, D., Bekić, D.: Reliability analysis during watercourse quality numerical modelling, GRAĐEVINAR, 60 (2008) 7


Vouk, D., Malus, D., Bekić, D. (2008). Reliability analysis during watercourse quality numerical modelling, GRAĐEVINAR, 60 (7)
Vouk Drazen
Dražen Vouk
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Malus Davor
Davor Malus
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Bekic WEB
Damir Bekić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering