
UDK: 624.94:624.078.1
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 60 (2008) 3
Paper type: Subject review
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Resistance of angle flange cleats in bolted steel joints

Davor Skejić, Darko Dujmović, Anka Javora


An overview of models currently used to assess resistance of top angle flange cleats installed at bolted beam-to-column joints subjected to bending moment is presented. The results of parametric analyses made to this effect point to significant differences in resistance estimations when based on different models. A practical aim of this paper is to acquaint design engineers with this type of connection which, if properly designed, can enable development of a desirable ductile behaviour of steel structures.

parametric analysis, angle flange cleat, bolted steel joints, contact force, resistance estimating models


Skejić, D., Dujmović, D., Javora, A.: Resistance of angle flange cleats in bolted steel joints, GRAĐEVINAR, 60 (2008) 3


Skejić, D., Dujmović, D., Javora, A. (2008). Resistance of angle flange cleats in bolted steel joints, GRAĐEVINAR, 60 (3)
Davor Skejic
Davor Skejić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
DDujmovic 221112 WEB
Darko Dujmović
Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences
Anka Javora WEB
Anka Javora
Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning