
Published: Građevinar 76 (2024) 4
Paper type: Scientific research paper
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Research on leakage hazards of embankments based on 3D electrical resistivity tomography technology

Yuehan Zhao, Risheng Wang, Tao Gao, Tao Guo, Xin Guo


Leakage is a common issue in reservoirs; however, accurately detecting its location and seepage diameter can be challenging owing to complex geological conditions. Three-dimensional (3D) resistivity tomography (RT), as opposed to traditional resistivity technology, offers advantages such as high observation density, efficiency, information richness, resolution, and intelligence. This study focuses on the application of 3D RT to diagnose leakage in earth and rock embankment dams. By monitoring the resistance change rate obtained from resistivity image processing, this study accurately assessed the development status of the hidden bodies. This research demonstrates that 3D RT enables rapid comparison of deformation and damage states at different moments, enabling continuous and objective monitoring of earth and rock embankment dams. This technology is comprehensive and provides real-time insights.

3D resistivity tomography, electrical resistivity of the soil, embankment, accumulation, leakage


Zhao, Y., Wang, R., Gao, T., Guo, T., Guo, X.: Research on leakage hazards of embankments based on 3D electrical resistivity tomography technology , GRAĐEVINAR, 76 (2024) 4, pp. 323-333, doi:


Zhao, Y., Wang, R., Gao, T., Guo, T., Guo, X. (2024). Research on leakage hazards of embankments based on 3D electrical resistivity tomography technology , GRAĐEVINAR, 76 (4), 323-333, doi:


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This paper is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Yuehan Zhao
Shandong Jiaotong University, China
Faculty of Transportation and Civil Engineering
3901 2023 2 Wang WEB
Risheng Wang
Shandong Jiaotong University, China
Faculty of Transportation and Civil Engineering
3901 2023 3 GAO WEB
Tao Gao
Shandong Provincial Transportation Planning and Design Institute Group Co., China
3901 2023 4 GUO WEB
Tao Guo
Shandong Yellow River Shuncheng Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering Co., China
3901 2023 5 GUO WEB
Xin Guo
Shandong Yellow River Shuncheng Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering Co., China