
Published: Građevinar 74 (2022) 11
Paper type: Scientific research paper
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The Ultimate Bearing Capacity analysis of masonry arch bridges

Kefan Chen, Yuan Li, Qixiang Hui, Bin Zhou, Kang Wang


To accurately evaluate the ultimate bearing capacity of masonry arch structures, considering the friction and bonding relationships between different components, a finite element model was established in this study with cohesive zero-thickness elements. The model was analysed using explicit dynamic simulations and verified through a case study. The results indicate that the thickness of the arch backfill and ring has a quadratic positive correlation with the ultimate bearing capacity of the structure, whereas the rise-span ratio has a cubic relationship. In particular, there is an optimal rise-span ratio (f/l = 1/3.909) to increase the bearing capacity of the structure under the same conditions.

masonry arch structures, ultimate bearing capacity, finite element method, cohesive finite element, explicit dynamic analysis


Chen, K., Li, Y., Hui, Q., Zhou, B., Wang, K.: The Ultimate Bearing Capacity analysis of masonry arch bridges, GRAĐEVINAR, 74 (2022) 11, pp. 957-966, doi:


Chen, K., Li, Y., Hui, Q., Zhou, B., Wang, K. (2022). The Ultimate Bearing Capacity analysis of masonry arch bridges, GRAĐEVINAR, 74 (11), 957-966, doi:


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3479 A1 WEB
Kefan Chen
University, Xi’an, China
Faculty of Transport
3479 A2 WEB
Yuan Li
Chang’an University, Xi’an, China
The main laboratory for the technology of detection and strengthening of old bridges of the Ministry of Transport
3479 A3 WEB
Qixiang Hui
University, Xi’an, China
Faculty of Transport
3479 A4 WEB
Bin Zhou
Ningxia Communications Construction Co., China
3479 A5 WEB
Kang Wang
University, Xi’an, China
Faculty of Transport