
Published: Građevinar 68 (2016) 12
Paper type: Preliminary report
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The influence of continuing reinforcement on the load capacity of a RC beam previously exposed to high temperatures

Krešimir Ninčević, Joško Ožbolt, Ivica Boko


The paper describes the RC beam model development and the influence exerted by the main longitudinal reinforcement overlapping and transverse reinforcement (ties) on the bearing capacity of a RC load bearing structure for several cases of load, with an emphasis on the influence of high temperatures. Several RC beam models are made and relevant calculations and results are presented, which show the influence of the reinforcement method on the bearing capacity of structures, i.e. of the main-reinforcement continuing as related to the one-part reinforcement, as well as the influence of transverse reinforcement (ties).

RC beam, main reinforcement continuing and overlap, concrete damage, cracks, high temperatures


Ninčević, K., Ožbolt, J., Boko, I.: The influence of continuing reinforcement on the load capacity of a RC beam previously exposed to high temperatures, GRAĐEVINAR, 68 (2016) 12, pp. 967-978, doi:


Ninčević, K., Ožbolt, J., Boko, I. (2016). The influence of continuing reinforcement on the load capacity of a RC beam previously exposed to high temperatures, GRAĐEVINAR, 68 (12), 967-978, doi:


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Kresimir Nincevic WEB
Krešimir Ninčević
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna
ozbolt WEB
Joško Ožbolt
Institute of Construction Materials,
University of Stuttgart
Boko Ivica
Ivica Boko
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy